Your direct link to the artist
Eventzone is your chance for free and direct contact with artists within music & song and entertainment.Eventzone brings together a wide range of artists that you are able to contact directly. This saves you the hassle of searching on many different websites and then wasting time trying to find out if the artists you’ve found are interested in participating in your event.
On Eventzone, you have everything in one place, and you communicate directly with the artist.How it works
On Eventzone you can get a quick and accurate overview of the artists that match your event with just a few clicks.
Subsequently, you send a free and non-binding enquiry directly to one or more artists and get a response within a short time.

Who is behind this?
My name is Mogens Birk, and I’ve been running a traditional booking agency for 15 years. I have now decided to take a big new step: I’m building a platform that will be the platform of the future: I aim to create a platform that will become the UK's preferred entry point for organising an event.